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Posts posted by Agustron24

  1. Space Station 14 Username: agustron24

    Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Greymaria 

    Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: server (appeal only)

    The reason you were banned: Self-antag:riotting. Entered bridge during a riot and made a big table obstructing west entrance. 3rd offense.

    Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: I was a passanger walking around the station looking for someting to do, saw some people breaking the bridge window for stealing the comms console. While that happened i sneaked into bridge and hided into a locker, after some time i left the locker and made a big table on the east side of the bridge, mid construction the captain arrested me and got trown into jail, wich then i closed ss14.

    Why you should be unbanned: When this happened, i wasnt actively contributing to the riot with intention of harming the station or for causing more annoyance, i tried to make a funny joke, wich i did during a dangerous moment soo it helped the rioters to steal the computer and made bringing order to the chaos harder.

    Now after a month of taking a break, ive been thinking about the rounds i had played and i now understand that making stuff like that isnt funny and i wont repeat it again, since honestly the server is awesome and those intents of humor only make the game experience worse for everyone else.

    I already had a second chance wich i dumped, and i would understand you guys not wanting me back into your server, but im still asking for one because this server has a lot of good characteristics like a visible enough team, listening to the community, and a moderation that actually takes actions and warns players.

  2. Hey uh im only here to ask what i need to do for getting my ban lifted.


    I already had like 9 bans and i only got appeal banned (wich is too light considering my history).

    I quited ss14 for a month.

    I cant take this game serious soo i cant write an appeal correctly (wich also feels like if you were appealing a driving license removal in real life).

    I really want to play this server.

    My account is agustron24.


    What do you guys want me to do.

  3. Heya been like a month since i quited the game, got bored because i had no new game soo im coming back because ss14 is free.



    Space Station 14 Username: Agustron24


    Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Greymaria


    Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server (appeal only)


    The reason you were banned: Selfantag= rioting. While a group of people broke into bridge, walked in and made a huge table in east side for blocking off access from east. 4th offense


    Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: this happened long ago soo i may miss details.  I was a passanger walking around the station looking for someting to do, saw some people breaking the bridge window for stealing the comms console.   While that happened i sneaked into bridge and hided into a locker (i find it fun to sneak into places), after some time i left the locker and made a big table on the east side, mid construction the captain arrested me and got trown into jail, wich then i closed ss14.


    Why you should be unbanned: Happened a month ago in wich i quited ss14, when i did that i wasnt looking to damage the game experience (altought i did). Honestly, i feel changed enough to not disrupt your server again.

    Will not happen again, i dont want it to happen again, thanks for your time.




  4. /adminremarks is an in-game command that displays all your admin notes,warnings,bans, etc.

    You can just wire "/adminremarks" in the game chat or do "adminremarks" inside the in-game console.

    For some people its seen as a hall of shame, for others is a book filled with story's.

  5. Pressed sumbit by accident.

    Rewriting the section of why should i get banned

    Why you should be unbanned: Honestly, this was a fair ban and a big fuck up on me about trying to be funny but ending up doing it bad.

    I already had many, MANY warnings,bans,timeouts,appeals,etc and would 100% understand why you guys would not want me in your server.

    I think a voucher ban would be more fiting for this, but welp.

    Will not repeat.

  6. Space Station 14 Username: Agustron24

    Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Greymaria

    Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server (appeal ban)

    The reason you were banned: Self-antag: rioting. 3rd offense.

    Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: Was wandering around the station as a passanger and saw a group of people that had breaken the bridge window and were stealing the comms console while captain tried to stop that.

    I had nothing more interesting to do soo i sneaked into the bridge and hided into a locker (i find sneaking into departaments fun to try).

    While i was in the locker saw the captain fail at keeping the rioters from stealing the comms console but was able to make them back off.

    While i was thinking about what to do for when i leave the locker i decided that i would make a big table. Then i went out of the locker and started making the big table.

    Only was able to make like 7 tiles of table before a secoff saw me and arrested me, and i said "worth", then complained at sec about my sentence of 4 minutes for secure tresspass.

    After that i dont remeber how did the shift proceed but i remember going ssd and going to sleep.

    Why you should be unbanned: Honestly, this was a fair ban and a big fuck up on me about trying to be funny but ending up doing it bad.


  7. Space Station 14 Username: Agustron24 


    Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Greymaria


    Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server (appeal only


    The reason you were banned:Self antag, history of self antag.


    Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out:

    Round started, passanger.

    Was bored and decided to redirect disposals into bridge as a small mischief.

    Nothing happend around it and just continued the round.

    Hos arrests me and shields me saying that its revs.

    Get some equipment from cargo.

    Decide to make a chainlink fence in the hall that leads to bridge for better defensiveness, then noticed it was electrified since there was hv wires below.

    only made 1 piece of fence and gave up on it since it was dangerous.

    abandoned the fence on the hall since i cant deconstruct it.

    later got bwoinked about both things.

    Banned by my history of bans and these actions.


    Why you should be unbanned: Honestly this wasnt made with harm intent to the round and wasnt that harmful, redirecting disposals to bridge dint cause any problem, and the fence was only a single piece on the side of a hall that nearly nobody uses (packed, hall to the bridge), and my history of bans consists mainly in just rule missunderstanding, things that werent with harm intent to the server, trying to rp but did it too agressive, and some others.


    Honestly i really wanna play the server again and will not cause any other new problems.


    Placing a defensive fence, goes wrong.

  8. Did my best on explaining it all and expresing it all, but well its probably better to see the logs and get to your own conclusion about if i should be unbanned or not.

  9. Space Station 14 Username: Agustron24

    Banning Admin's SS14 Username: NoSugarPlumNovember 

    Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: Server (3 days)

    The reason you were banned: Self-antag; making grilles that shoked people and keeped going

    Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: I joined the round has passanger, did some fooling around with a fuel tank (scaring secoffs about me welderbombing), then i noticed a pile of Rods in the ground and tought, hey i can use that for some jokes, and flooded cargo entrace with grilles (an engineer passed by and removed them all in less than 4 mins).

    Security arrested me by doing so, warden stuffed me in a prison cell and gave me a timer, then i noticed that the warden dint had done any checking on my stuff soo i still had a full toolbelt in me soo i bolted the door for laughing at the warden face and since i was fooling around i also decided to start breaking the reinforced window of my cell (that was wrong).


    warden deployed the shutters of the reinforced windows and dint allow me to escape, soo i used the welder in the wall below for accessing the prison cell below, then i saw the Steel pop out of it and i intantly remembered that i can make rods out of Steel and grillos out of rods, Soo i just made them and did some dialogues expressing obsesion with grilles (spoiler alert, this is where it all goes down).


    the grilles were shoked grilles due to the cables below my cell, thing that i ignored since i just wanted the grilles, then a secoff (idk if it was warden or someone else) entered and cuffed me after an atmos tech unbolted the door, then he removed my gear that shouldnt be there, then i just meleed the girder from the half deconstructed wall i left when i first welded the wall for making some more grilles, then got arrested fully and a poor secoff kept me grabbed and cuffed for me to not to keep making grilles (not on massive, there not were much steel for them).

    This went for atleast half an hour and i kept asking the engineer and the secoff and the lawer that was around to make grilles, how i like grilles, how to make grilles out of the tables around sec, and other stuff i just cooked while cuffed (i was honestly really annoying with the secoff, and nobody did a thing to bring me to perma or giving me a straight jacket).


    did get freed by the secoff just saying, nobody helps me by half hour, dealt with it yourself then (would had done the same honestly) and allowed me to leave sec and get some more rods and make some new grilles (dint care if they were shoked or not, just focused in the fact that they were grilles), lawer and mime (mime was recruited) arrested me and brought me back to sec, then they talked a bit, then they trowed me in perma (the station at this point was just a trashcan full of unpowered stuff and trash), then i just dont remember well what happen, but i got into the room outside armory and blocked the door with a grille, the lawer was able to enter while i was making the grille.

    then i just went to the table in there and tried to make more grilles but the lawerd tried to arrest me wich i resisted and he ended up trowing lethals at me for arresting me (in the situation we were at, this was fiting).

    Then i just spent some time spectating a guy that their shoes had become a pong game ball and were fliying, and then i got revived.

    instantly went to talk about grilles and tried to escape the cuffs i were on for making grilles but the lawer dint allow me to, then i got brought to perma again and then the admin ahelped me about making shoked grilles around the station.

    I dint properly explain things and details and the admin came to the conclusion of giving me a 3 day ban for self antag in this way (fiting).

    Why you should be unbanned: I honestly just tried to do some roleplay of beging obsesed with someting to another level of comprehension but did it all wrong and probably just made the round worst for all secoffs,  would accept if this got denied has i see the ban is fiting,but i want to apply for getting a new oportunity.

    just sorry, ill use tables next time (wich are less intrusive).

  10. I was the guy that got killed by you in the armory.

    My memory isnt that good on this soo i may remember it wrong.


    I was a rev (newly made, wearing a really cool outfit) and i walked outside sec, saw another rev use a saw against the hos and crit them soo i followed into sec, then someone (the appealing one) pulls the hos into sec and pulls him into the armory, i decide to follow for getting armed and maybe doing a surpise attack and enter armory with him, took the hos pda for a moment for opening the door for the akm in the armory, grab the akm and some ammo, then prepared to leave but the door was access locked.

    Asked him to please lemme out and he dint lemme out, asked again and then he grabed an armory gun and gunned me down because i was a rev.


    The thing that is wrong here in my mind is that i literally were doing the same level of crime has him, has he was grabbing the hos to the armory to get Guns (idk if he was a secoff, he had a grey suit on).



    Later i got revived in brigmed and got freed (dint get shielded), went to med to get some healing and went to science and made a pka stealthy (also a welding gas mask), also i had found an armor vest and a secbelt somewhere soo i weared them (wich made me look diferent than when i got gunned down in armory)

    Then i went to outside sec and pka'd one of the doors of the cells and walked a long way to the sec departament door.


    Then this guy had the akm in hand and started shooting at me, we both sliped, i yelled at him IM NOT A REV!!, he dint hear me and gunned me down.

    Then i never got revived due to med beging full to the brim.



    Honestly this round was chaos on his most pure state to be honest soo i can understand his actions on the second kill, but first one was still rare and felt really not rule wise (also was unfun has fuck)

  11. If ya wanna make a vim mech then prepare to go all the way into weapons t2 for getting the voice trigger for the mech that doesnt uses any voice features.

  12. What's your Space Station 14 Username: Agustron24 


    What's your Discord Username: Agustron24 (display is matt)


    What's your playtime amount on the Goob Server: Around 200 hours


    How old are you: 17


    Have you ever been banned from the Goob Server: yes, like 2 months ago


    Have you played on any other SS13 or SS14 servers? If so, name them, and tell us your playtime on the server(s): i played wizen too, around 288 hours






    How many hours can you admin per week: around 16 hours peer week, even more if i get days off school


    On what days can you get on to Admin: all of them,even more on weekend


    What timezone are you in: GMT-3 




    General Questions


    Why do you want to become a Game Admin? Go into detail about it and tell us a lot about it:

    I started to have some meh time on the game with not knowing what job to play and what to do during the rounds due to it feeling boring, soo i just tought, Hey, lets become an admin, that will probably be a breathe of fresh air.

    Also since i see that this server has potential and a good community, since this server suddenly gets more than 100 players online and me wanting to help,and since there is a tide wave soo you guys need extra admins for the things that are going on,because i also just feel cool when teaching other players about game mechanics and well i just generally want to see this server go up.


    Have you adminned for any other SS13 or SS14 server? If so, tell us about your experiences during that time, and if possible, give us proof of this: No i never admined before


    What role do you think the Game Admins exactly serve: They serve some roles in the round.

    They are the guys in charge of ensuring the rules are someting you want to follow, they remove obnoxious people and raiders from the round.

    They also help with technical issues on the round (ej. A syndie shuttle spawning inside bar).

    They sometimes do events and other stuff for the players to have fun.

    They make the evac shuttle instantly dock the moment i roll syndicate agent (yes this actually happened lmao)


    What do you think is the current roleplay status of the server, what do you think can be done to improve it: Due to the actual tide wave of pcgamershow idk if there is any roleplay going on.




    The more questions questions. (You should put more than just one or two sentences.)


    Say, someone who already has a note on RDM from before, for example, was to RDM and kill two people, but they've left already before you could admin help them. How would you handle the problem?

    They have already got a note for rdm soo they perfectly know that what they did was wrong, i would check the logs for more information about what this guy did on the round and probably enforce a 3 days ban for rdm and second offence,  lastly i would revive the 2 players he killed for them to continue the round properly.



    Captain seems to have disconnected before they died or the round ended. This is the first time they've disconnected while playing a very important job. What would you do about them?

    I would leave them a note saying: Hello, you disconnected during a command round wihout advicing others or going to criosleep, for dissconnecting properly from a command round you first gotta:


    1: ahelp admins about you disconnecting


    2: advice trough command radio that youll go criosleep (críosleep is disconnecting but in rp way, kinda like afk and ssd).


    3: make an announcement of you going críosleep and assignate another person to captain role.


    4: give all your stuff to the person you assignated has captain and enter a criosleep bed.


    After doing that you just quit the game and forget about this, if you need to go in a hurry you can make an announcement about you going ssd at Bridge and leaving other guy on charge, or just ahelp us about you going ssd and saying on command channel that you will go ssd and your current location.


    That is all, this isnt a big offence and not even an annoying issue since its your first time, remember to do the things noted and have a nice day,


    Note from Agustron24 *date and number of the round*




    You see a passenger player mess around too much and start interfering with a Security Officer's arrest by uncuffing the Officer's prisoner, as the passenger runs, the Officer pulls out their gun and shoots the passenger almost to death. What's wrong here and how would you handle the situation as an Admin?

    First with the passanger: Interfering with the arrest of a criminal for no reason is an ovious violation of the not beging a Dick rule,soo ill just give a warning to him

    With the secoff: i would just ahelp him about not using lethals on that situation and that fast and using dissabler instead, and having a bit more patience.



    You see a chemist who has only made baisc meds start gathering materials and talking about making uranium foam grenades in chat. Right as they start making the grenades they roll as a midround sleeper syndie. How would you handle the situation if at all?

    Sometimes on this game you just want to play around some stuff and check stuff out, he probably picked chemist for playing with chems and did the meds for having med not asking him to do his job,if med needs chems then cmo could quickly make atleast a jug of someting, i would just ignore it and let the thing happen.



    You see a clown using crayon to write on the floor in front of security. The clown writings are negative things about security, like “shitsec”. A secoff tells the clown that they’re being arrested for vandalism, stuns them, and cuffs them. Before the secoff is able to get the clown into the brig, a passenger slips the secoff, causing them to lose their baton, then uses the baton to stun another secoff that comes to help as the clown runs away. The passenger escapes through disposals. Having heard an AOS radio callout, the detective enters maintenance near disposals and shoots the passenger to crit. There are four players in this scenario, the clown, the passenger, the secoff, and the detective.

    The clown and the secoff did nothing wrong, just regular clown mischiefs.

    The passanger is the most wrong over here,would definitly warn him and leave a note about his behaviour.

    The detective did okay, the pasanger had a stun baton on him that he could had used for stunning the detective and then killing him, he was scared of that happening. But if the detective had a stun baton then i will warn him about over escalating.




    You and another Admin have been doing your job without problems, you then catch a command staff member misuse contraband. While you are in the middle of the ahelp, the other admin jumps into the middle of your ahelp with a rule clarification that is plainly incorrect. Whithout the interruption, what would have you asked the command staff member, and how would you have responded or reacted to the interrupting admin?

    I would correct the admin in the ahelp about that not beging correct and continue talking to the command member.

    To the command member i would advice him about the behaviour not beging rule friendly and advicing him about reading the rules about contraband handling has command/security.







    Anything else we should know about or have questions about: I share my computer with 2 little brothers soo my aviable time might varie (they dont play ss14).

    Would handle stuff at the forums all day.


    Clearly that captain required his oxigen tank to be filled with plasma in the middle of the space walk mr headmin

  13. My dad left me at school, then when he was leaving another car had a brake technical error and hited my dad car (everyone was fine).

    Now i come back from school and the car is like this.


  14. What you should had done is not even making uranium spears, they are powerful weapons and making them wihout a reason is 100% powergaming, soo sec will try to confiscate them, if they do then you should give them to sec.

    Also, was your buddy the one that told you about the spears or was another guy?, and did he use the game chat inside the round or another way of communication?.

    Also, im not an admin, just to clarify

  15. What you did has a clown was self antagging and getting punished for it is 100% fiting, but an appeal only ban feels exesive for someting that someone could think it isnt self antag.

    Maybe a 2/3 days ban would fit this more, but warning you about puting it back and then giving you a note would had done the thing right too.


    Basically, the player did wrong,and got a punishment harsher than the needed.

    Altought i cant see their note history soo im probably wrong.

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