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  1. lmao
    Agustron24 reacted to TORTGA in BANNED FOR ATTACKING ANTAGS   
    Space Station 14 Username: TMarshal
    Banning ADMIN'S SS14 Username: Gtheglorious
    Are you banned from the server or a Job/Department: Server
    The reason you were banned: Banned for attacking botany for growing killer tomatoes
    EVENTS LEADING TO BAN: Select chaplain. Arrive on station. Peaceful shift walk around preaching the word of god. Stroll past botany. CURTAINS???? Destroy curtains with chap laser looks inside sees tomatoes. HERETICS!!! Report to sec. Sec ignores. Yells at clown and mime for stealing and eating caps shoes. Go back to botany. See them stuff 3 killer tomatoes in bag. Takes potshots at them to interrupt operation. VALID HUNTING? They attack with spades and wound me. Med heals me and I go back to sec. Sec listens and arms up. We storm botany. They try to release unholy amalgamations of science kill them easily and kill 2 botanists 1 escapes. Sec says dnr on botany medics ignored and tries to revive I hit the botanists body with crowbar repeatedly. Too much rage? BANNED. I am pretty sure 2 out of the 3 botanists were self antagging. Please unban I want to goob I am bored, will send feet pics
  2. Like
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in 2-in-1 youtube apology video   
    you should make a literal youtube apology video just to top this appeal off fr fr
  3. lmao
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in Execute admin app   
    im so insane that i didnt realize this dumbass posted his app in the wrong forum lmfaooo
  4. Confused
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in Madison's Mentor Application.   
    Reminds me to put a no peanut posting thing.

    Seriously, do not post on other's applications unless there's a good reason for it. (Yes, fair that you're just giving your feedback, but leave it out of the apps.)
  5. Thanks
    Agustron24 reacted to CodyPencil in Cheff kitchen rage   
    Killing someone over a plasteel table, is pretty much over-Escalation. The chef does not need to kill the person rather ask the security to handle the situation, if it's in lowpop your chances of getting it back is low tbh. Either way it's better to avoid conflicts, ask engineering for a replacement.
  6. Haha
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in Madison's Admin Application   
    Accepted. Check your DM's in a short bit.
  7. just shut up
    Agustron24 reacted to GrimtyGranule in (Sigma) Ban appeal   
    Not to derail fr. But admins dont ever deal with anything IC. It's a low roleplay server.
    That means if you roleplay you get BANNED.
  8. Like
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in Agustron24 admin app   
    Your appeal is denied due to the following requirement not being met.
    No recent bans or medium/high notes on your account within 1 month (including receiving too many bad notes in the time) Feel free to reapply when all are met.
  9. lmao
  10. Thanks
    Agustron24 reacted to Durkk in Goob feels different   
    Locking this thread as it's just a shitstorm. If you have actual complaints, make a serious post in staff complaints, that doesnt include insults.
  11. Thanks
    Agustron24 got a reaction from CodyPencil in Madison's Admin Application   
    Helped to clarify rules and was nice on the discord, worth to give him a try.
  12. Like
    Agustron24 reacted to CodyPencil in Madison's Admin Application   
    What's your Space Station 14 Username:
    What's your Discord Username:
    What's your playtime amount on the Goob Server:
    How old are you:
    Have you been banned from the Goob Server last or this month:
    I have never received a ban on Goob.

    Have you played on any other SS13 or SS14 servers? If so, name them, and tell us your playtime on the server(s):
    I’ve played some Fulpstation13 for 20h+ and Monkeystation for 10h+
    Wizard's Den, Frontier Station. And Goob Station Overall 1100h
    (I only played them to study the mechanics of virology, genetics, surgery)


    How many hours can you admin per week:
    It may depend on my Lecture schedule 5-7 on weekends 7-9. I may later discuss.

    On what days can you get on to Admin:
    As I mentioned earlier, the days I'm available for admin duties can vary due to my lecture schedule. Could I share my lecture schedule or discuss specific days?

    What time zone are you in:
    General Questions

    Why do you want to become a Game Admin? Go into detail about it and tell us a lot about it:
    I wanted to take this position as I see the lack of administrators leaving vulnerable players on Raiders to ruin their play through, and I have decided that it's pretty much going to ruin the station's reputation, and I wanted to change that. I also notice a huge number of players who are pretty much at almost the same level of self-annoyance,(self-antaggers/shitters) ruining other players' fun as they try to sabotage their work. And I see that as a shithole move and would possibly want to reduce it After hours on Goob station I have noticed the lack of admin response on ahelp during the day time for me and the lack of information given during an ahelp. I wanted to change stuff a bit and try to help as much as I could. The tickets/ahelps lots of admins I do know do complain about the lack of admins and users spamming ahelp to be annoying or to get their attention.

    Have you admined for any other SS13 or SS14 server? If so, tell us about your experiences during that time, and if possible, give us proof of this:
    Although I do not have experience being an admin on stations 13-14 I do have some experience outside the platforms such as Minecraft/Roblox servers.
    As much as possible I do want to learn more and gain experience.

    What role do you think the Game Admins exactly serve:
    In my opinion, the administrators are primarily responsible for maintaining the server. They enforce rules on those who attempt to break them, such as self-antags, troublemakers, or raiders, ensuring everyone adheres to the rules and engages in their intended roleplay or gameplay. Their goal is to ensure everyone enjoys the experience. Administrators may also intervene if a round is stalling, which is sometimes necessary. I believe this approach effectively keeps the server active and enjoyable for everyone. They also help new players explore the game explain to them the game mechanics or at least help them on their journey. And it Pretty much settles Ahelps and tickets.

    What do you think is the current roleplay status of the server, what do you think can be done to improve it: 
    In my experience, I see Goob station going up and down on the roleplay Although Some do MRP but are mostly LRP or NRP,  As of right now the server does not have its own culture which it self is hard to maintain a Role play status which is why we try to become Wizards den? Or have our own. There are servers like Frontier and Delta-V Mining stations that have their purpose, and culture.  And I see the Potential Growth Since we have a unique way of antagonists and our own set rules I say let it grow and Merge Some content Similar to Station 13.


    The more questions questions. (It's highly recommended you put more than just a single or two sentences.)

    Say, someone who already has a note on RDM from before, for example, was to RDM and kill two people, but they've left already before you could admin help them. How would you handle the problem?:

    If the person already had a note of a previous RDM and they had already left meaning they knew they already did something that they shouldn’t have.
    There’s only one way of action set on this person. Before we try to act I try to check the logs on the specific reports on ahelp damage logs, that way I can verify that they did do this specific thing and needed a set of necessary actions.

    Captain seems to have disconnected before they died or the round ended. This is the first time they've disconnected while playing a very important job. What would you do about them?:

    If the captain has undergone SSD state, There are a few steps to follow. First I would ask the other admins if they have been notified of the captain's Absence. Second, See if they went into cryosleep to open up the captain sloth. Or if they have stated in LOOC that they would return to their SSD state. If the captain(or any head departments) has not been notified about their absence. I would check for their disconnections or if its server lag that may caused the issue.
    If they did not reconnect or provide any notifications, It would result in a note on their record for abandoning their role as the captain(or any of the department roles) Without using cryo-casket or notifying admins on ahelp.  This would cause some potential risk for the station having no captain to guide them.

    You see a passenger player mess around too much and start interfering with a Security Officer's arrest by uncuffing the Officer's prisoner, as the passenger runs, the Officer pulls out their gun and shoots the passenger almost to death. What's wrong here and how would you handle the situation as an Admin?:

    Although the Passenger is messing around too much and interfering with the officer It does state on the space law that they will undergo Breach of arrest, by assisting the said person, seeing the situation going escalation, I would ahelp the said officer and ask about their lethal escalation and not going non-lethal as said on guide procedures, Now if the Officer did state that they have non-lethals such as disabler’s and stun baton I would Try to explain to them that Security roles are held to a higher standard of play. It is easy to ruin the game for other players as these roles, therefore are generally more restrictive and given less leeway on the amount of disruption they are allowed to cause. Now I would place them on a note and ask them to carry the passenger to medbay and set them arrested for breach of arrest for assisting said person, and guide the officer to check the rules and follow standard procedures to make sure that they are following alert levels and following the space law and server rules.

    The Clown has been constantly slipping, pieing, and messing with other players, including Officers by interfering and messing up their work. Despite being told to stop by others, they've continued. How would you deal with the problem yourself?:

    This would Simply undergo the rule being a dick/asshole there is a limit to being fun and annoying at the same time but being a dick is way worse. By interfering with other people’s RP or jobs. Now I would simply Ahelp the said clown person about their recent actions and their targetting this one department. And try to explain to them that a clown’s purpose is to make the station fun play pranks on everyone and try to help around. Not targeting a department that you despite this may also fall on Metagrudge(may vary on the situation but mostly this is the reason in my experience) I wouldn’t give them a note but Talk to them about it and settle it.

    You and another Admin have been doing your job without problems, not much has happened. All of a sudden, the other admin decides to mess with the round without running a vote on it. It could lead to ruining the round for others rather than be fun. What would you do?:

    Admin Intervention without prior planning or consulting the crew may ruin gameplay and affect the crew's roleplay experience. If an admin sets an event without considering these factors, It's essential to ask whether the crew was given a poll on the said event. If not I would try to talk to the other admin to ask about their reason and assess if the event aligns with the player's enjoyment. If the admin has not given a poll or set an event date.  I would try to contact the Event coordinators about the issue and settle it with the game admin about the actions that may be necessary on the said admin that has done an illegal event. without consulting both the admin team/event coordinators and the crew about the said Event.


    Anything else we should know about:

    Im sane!(Probably)

  13. Thanks
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in Rule Clarifications Forum Is Up!   
    You see the title correctly! You can now get clarification on things that aren't on the rules.

    Isn't that cool? Also, you can find it here.
  14. just shut up
    Agustron24 got a reaction from CodyPencil in Ban appeal   
    Security should had stoped you, its their job, clown and mime breaking into captain office should be taken the same has science forgeting to take care of an anomalie and it going crit.
    It can be solved in character by security team noticing it and trowing mime and clown to perma, it has to be a only 1 time actions for it to not happen all the rounds to the point where is annoying and sec has to metagame for stoping them.
    Axe gabinet destruction is the biggest infraction here, but stealing hop stuff can be handled has grand theft and tresspasing of high security areas, wich all of that could had permad you.
    But since this server is known by the understaffing in pretty much all departaments and tiders destroying the station and raiders raiding the server. I think the admins did well since when there is no sec, admins have to take hands in the thing.
    im not the best person to say this due to my history of notes and other stuff but still wanted to do this analisis. Also im peanut posting maybe.
  15. Like
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in CMDR-JohnAlex's Admin Application   
    Seems legit. (And lengthy.)

  16. Like
    Agustron24 reacted to CMDR_JohnAlex in CMDR-JohnAlex's Admin Application   
    In-game Username: CMDR_JohnAlex
    Discord username: CMDR_JohnAlex (Originally known as CMDR-JohnAlex#2520)
    Characters you play: Nova Gibson (Moth), Sel Griss (Moth), DELTA-V (Silicon)
    On average, how many hours do you expect to admin per week: Depends on external factors, but at least 12h per week.
    Days you are available to admin on: Most weekdays, often on weekends.
    How old are you? I am 17 years old.
    Do you have any SS14 experience outside of Goob Station or any SS13 experience?
    Yes, I have a large amount of experience in both Space Station 14 and Space Station 13.
    At the time of writing, in Space Station 14's Wizard's Den servers, I have 578 hours of playtime.
    In Space Station 13's Paradise Station, I have 198 hours.
    In Space Station 13's TerraGov Marine Corps, I have around 89 hours and 30 minutes.
    I also have some more hours in other servers, but these are the major ones.
    Do you have prior administration experience? If so, explain in detail what you've done during your time as an admin. We prefer experience in Space Station 13 or 14 but other games are okay too. If you can, do post evidence of this too.
    I have done some leadership things for clubs and school related things, however nothing really verifiable. Otherwise I do have experience using the sandbox and admin tools thanks to my test server, as well as messing around in a test server with my brother.
    Have you ever been banned from any SS14 or SS13 servers?
    I have been role-banned from SS14 before, on a Wizard's Den server. I believe it was in my first 100h of playing. I had the role of CE and "suicided within 20 minutes to play as Hamlet" (quoting my admin remark that may have been removed) and I was given a two-week role ban. I fully understand what I did wrong, and I will certainly not do that again.
    Back in September of 2023, I was appeal-banned from SS13's Paradise Station due to suddenly disconnecting from the shift in a critical time as captain without informing anyone, not even admins. What happened was my parents messed with our router without informing anyone, disconnecting me from the shift until it ended. I successfully appealed my ban [here](https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/24374-banned-by-tourte-ban-appeal-for-cmdr-johnalex/) (for more information) as soon as I was able to re-connect to the internet. I would also like to note that SS13's Paradise Station has a [different banning strategy](https://www.paradisestation.org/forum/topic/507-on-perma-bans/) than SS14's Wizards Den servers do, and appeal-bans are more common there for minor things such has disconnecting as captain.
    Admins can perform various tasks which are not available to the average player. An incomplete list of these tasks is in-game rule enforcement, in-game events, ban appeals, and out-of-game rule enforcement through things like replay/log reviews in response to player reports. With these, and any other tasks you're aware of in mind, answer the following two questions.
    What are you primarily interested in doing as an admin?
    I primarily am interested in helping keep the community and it's shift safe and fun for all. I have enjoyed my many hours in this game, and would like to give back to it. I am also interested in setting up small events every blue moon, with assistance from more experienced admins or with help from event coordinators.
    What are you least interested in doing as an admin?
    I am least interested in ban appeals, however, I will still work on them if that would help.
    Answer the following questions in detail, so we can get a better idea of how you'd approach adminning.
    What role do you think game admins serve on our servers besides just dealing with rule breakers?
    ~~The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth, whether it's scientific truth or historical truth or personal truth!~~ (Star Trek reference I thought fit)
    Erm, I mean the first duty of every game admin is to keep the shifts and community a safe and enjoyable place for all. Dealing with ahelps, rule-breakers, etc. It is also important to keep the shifts fun for all, possibly with an event every once in a while, or guiding a new player though the game using the ahelp system or possibly temporarily spawning myself only for the purpose of helping teach the new player.
    Why do you want to become an administrator for Goob Station?
    Over the many shifts I've played in both ss13 and ss14, I've built up a plethora of reasons I would like to become an administrator for the game.
    One of the main reasons is because I have a strong love for the game, the community, and I would like to give back and help admins keep it a safe and fun place as others have done for me. I have also experienced some times where an admin was required in some sort of situation, but sadly there were none online. I would like to be able to help during those times where there aren't many admins online, and deadmin when there are lots. To highlight one situation, when there are those people who spam a certain symbol or phrase, swift admin intervention is required.
    How do you feel about the current roleplay status on the servers?
    So, my opinion so far is that Goob Station is progressing, there are some shifts that feel like NRP-LRP, while there are other shifts that feel like LRP-MRP. I do get annoyed when people self-antag and speedrun breaking into the Captain's office, or when people wear or use items of their sworn enemy such as a chemist using an elite syndicate hardsuit they found, but excluding that, it's alright, good.
    Other than banning problematic players, what admin actions do you believe have the biggest positive impact?
    Being a security officer is a lot like being an admin in my opinion. Secoffs are often taught that their most important tool in their belt is their words. Rather than rushing and using your gear like stunbatons/disablers/lethals (like freezing, kicking, banning) it is much better to talk and de-escalate situations. I feel like being an admin is like the same. Using the ahelp system to figure the situation out, and following the Banning Policy if a ban or something is needed. It would also be better to kick players, or give them a temporary ban if it isn't serious enough for a ban ban. Sometimes players just need to cool down for a bit.
    Have you ever had a negative experience in the game or with a game admin? If so what, if anything, would you do to prevent other players from experiencing this?

    I have had a small share of negative experiences in the game and with admins, mainly I've had negative experiences when people try to speedrun into the Captain's room... If I was an admin I would probably ahelp that person, try to figure out why they are breaking in, and give them an admin remark on them. If they repeat, I'd follow whatever banning policy Goob Station has and they might get a temporary role ban or something.
    Have you ever had a good experience with the game or a game admin? If so, what was it?

    I have also had my share of good experiences with the game and admins. What I like about Goob Station rather than Wizard's Den is the fact that ERT and other special NT roles are spawned more often. While it is important to spawn them at the right time and if conditions are right, when that has been done I feel like it was a very positive shift. I have also had many positive experiences with the crew, trying to work out problems, or trying to sue the chef for not having any cloth for me to eat. Lots of good experiences, would love to relive them and make more!
    The following are scenarios, respond with how you would handle each as an administrator. Respond with the assumption that you are an administrator with full access to the admin tools and that you have all the knowledge needed to use these tools. Respond in detail, explain the reasons behind the decisions you make, and describe any assumptions you are making. When you need to make an assumption, it is preferred for you to describe how differences in the assumption would affect your actions.
    It is the start of the round. There are 60 players on the server. The game mode is traitors, traitors have not been selected yet. Three players decided to observe the round instead of joining and they started orbiting you. Two of them are encouraging you to "do something funny".
    There's no need for me to "do something funny" just because some people tell me to do so. If I were to do something funny on the rare occasion, I could put a lizard plushie in maints or mess around in my admin test map, but nothing that would interfere with the shift unless it was voted that an event would happen.
    You see a clown using crayons to write on the floor in front of security. The clown's writings are negative things about security, like "shitsec". A Security Officer tells the clown that they're being arrested for vandalism, stuns them, and cuffs them. Before the Security Officer can get the clown into the brig, a passenger slips the Security Officer, causing them to lose their baton, then uses the baton to stun another Security Officer who comes to help as the clown runs away. The passenger escapes through disposals. Having heard an AOS radio callout, the detective enters maintenance near disposals and shoots the passenger to crit. There are four players in this scenario, the clown, the passenger, the secoff, and the detective.
    So a clown writes "shitsec" on the floor outside of security, it can be annoying to see that, however nothing is wrong here unless the clown starts swearing hard or uses slurs. The officer states what the clown is to be charged with and then arrests the clown, good work. No action should be taken so far.
    A passenger slips the first secoff, steals the baton and stuns a second secoff as the clown escapes? Assuming the passenger is an antag, this is fine and no action needs to be taken. If the passenger was not an antag, this would count as self-antaging, "Intentionally making yourself a major problem/annoyance/disruption for the crew or other players at large while not an antagonist is forbidden ... but it becomes self-antagonism when it begins to degrade the station at large or cause a significant issue, or is simply done for no purpose other than to be annoying." and so I would ahelp the passenger to figure out why they prevented security from arresting the clown, and why they stole the baton that is restricted gear IC. According to the banning policy, self-antaging would be a warning, up to a 12 hour game ban maximum for the first offence. I would check the passenger's admin remarks to see if they have done this before, and either way I would add another admin remark with a quick message saying, "_player's username_ slipped a secoff, preventing an arrest and stole a secbaton while not being an antag" and I would give the passenger a warning (assuming it is their first offence).
    The next part here about the detective criting the passenger on an AOS call? This is very odd as the call was only to arrest on site, and there was no reason to use lethals on a passenger who is only armed with a secbaton, There are many non-lethal ways of arresting the passenger without shooting them with lethal shots, regardless of if the passenger was a syndicate or not. Hopefully the passenger receives medical treatment. It sounds to me the detective over escalated the situation and I would ahelp the detective to figure our their perspective on the situation and why they did what they did, giving them a warning assuming it was their first offence, and adding an admin remark to the detective. I do get that ranged lethals are a good option if you don't have a ranged disabler, but it really depends on the exact situation
    You and another admin have been adminning for around an hour. The rate of issues has been easily manageable due to having 2 admins. Neither of you has been talking in the admin chat. You are using the Admin Help to warn a player for breaking a rule when the other admin joins the Admin Help and confirms that it is against the rules, but that it's fine in this case and they can ignore the rule for the rest of the round. You haven't taken any other admin actions yet, such as applying a ban or writing a note.
    Not talking in the admin chat doesn't sound like a good start. Admins should be communicating with each other to better coordinate their efforts. If another admin wanted to let me know something was indeed against the rules, say if they were agreeing with me. I would suggest they use the admin chat rather than making the ahelp a three-way conversation. Admins in my opinion could work together on a single ahelp, but it should feel like the person is speaking back and fourth to an admin collective, rather than a three-way chat where the admins are talking to someone, but also to each other in someone's ahelp. The second part about the admin allowing someone to ignore a rule for the rest of the shift sounds very odd. Rules are there for a reason, and I don't see why someone should be exempted from following one of the rules. While I don't know who the person I am warning is, or what rule they have broken, it doesn't sound like they should be allowed to ignore a rule for the rest of the shift. Assuming I'm still learning, I would probably let the other admin deal with it as I could be in the wrong, but I would also use the admin chat to ask the other admin why they did that, and I would probably inform another admin about the situation if I feel the other admin was in the wrong. Assuming I am no longer a trial admin and that I know what the other admin did was wrong, I would start messaging the other admin in the admin chat, and in the ahelp I would tell the player NOT to ignore the rule until the two of us can chat so I can get the second admin's reasoning for saying that. I feel this question could also be improved on for future applications, as it doesn't give much information so applicants need to assume a lot. Perhaps the user is a friend to the second admin, meaning the admin there is breaking a lot of rules, or possibly the second admin doesn't, or has a lot more experience than I do. I would tend to trust someone with more experience than I do, however getting a third opinion on discord sounds like the right thing to do.
  17. Trollface
    Agustron24 reacted to Durkk in SpookyDorf Ban Appeal   
    By popular vote, your ban has been extended by 20 minutes.
    Your ban will now expire in ♾+20m. See you when it expires!
  18. Like
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in Ban Appeal   
    Well, you did EXPLAIN what was the reason you did it, so it clears up more. Sorry for the pretty lengthy time.
    I’ll lift your ban, but be careful of your surroundings ofcourse lul and again, sorry for the lengthy time.
  19. Like
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in Forums Change   
    I'm going to be changing certain things on the forum. It won't be related to Nevado 14 anymore, but rather my server.
  20. Like
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in Forums may be down tomorrow (And longer in the future)   
    Heyo. Basically title.

    I've been using the trial (no duh you can see that green buy button lmao) for a bit and like Invision Community.

    It ends today (Febuary 3rd, 2024) so if you have an app up, I might not respond to it in time.

    Apologies and thanks!
  21. Like
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in Forums are back.   
  22. Like
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in Mentor Applications are a thing now.   
    Go check them out in the applications category.
  23. Like
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in Progress on being able to log in with your Space Station 14 account.   
    So far I've managed to figure out where to put the stuff for it to show the button. It does not work, however, so I must attempt to get help from someone who knows how to get it working.

    If anyone knows or can help, shoot a message on Discord or forums. Would appreciate it a lot.
  24. Like
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in Game Admins and Event Coordinator "Stuff To Know" Topics have be edited.   
    I've instead made a different template, and change some other stuff. Feel free to check it out.

    Current applications do not need to be changed to them. New ones will have to follow them though.
  25. Like
    Agustron24 reacted to Fortnite in Touching grass   
    Not sure, but it might be dangerous.
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