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Everything posted by Fortnite

  1. Also, since I can't trust you even on forums, (Yes, despite you not doing anything.) I'm banning you until June 10th, 2024. You will be unbanned exactly at 12:00 AM CST time.
  2. If you're gonna continue DM'ing other staff constantly including me to unban you and whatnot, I don't want you in my server without proof you've improved yourself. You're now voucher banned from Goob Station. You may appeal your ban, but only at least 6 months after your current ban, and only with a voucher of good behavior from another SS13/SS14 server. A voucher for good behavior should be obtained from a well-known or decently active SS13/SS14 server. If it is a mainstream server, we recommend using that server's admin help to ask for a voucher from one of the administrators explaining that you are trying to appeal a ban on SS14's Wizard's Den and want to show you have been a problem-free player during your playtime on the server. A voucher should be indicative of at least a few months of play. If the voucher is not from a mainstream server, let us know and we will figure out a way to verify it.
  3. Fortnite


    yessir yessir that’s what’s up we ain’t quitting on you
  4. Fortnite


    i tried to cook fr mans stay lit tho, yeet we love ya brody
  5. Hey, I'm denying this application since you're not 16 or older. I forgot to add that a while ago, so I apologize. (Thanks for applying though!) If you'd like though, you can still apply for the Event Coordinator position. You won't really need to put as much like this application. The age requirement I'll ignore for the Event Coordinator position, but not for this one.
  6. Fortnite


    no ur mentally untouchable
  7. Fortnite


    What would LowTierGod say...
  8. Fortnite


    and then it gets better at times and then worse at times and then mid at times its life
  9. Heyo. Basically title. I've been using the trial (no duh you can see that green buy button lmao) for a bit and like Invision Community. It ends today (Febuary 3rd, 2024) so if you have an app up, I might not respond to it in time. Apologies and thanks!
  10. I was once fighting a guy with a toolbox. I won but the fight is not over between me and that... thing...
  11. I'm going to be changing certain things on the forum. It won't be related to Nevado 14 anymore, but rather my server.
  12. Fortnite

    FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111
  13. I've gotten a bunch of stuff done throughout the days. As long as we can get more people and Nevado 14 server releases, we'll be all good! If not, I'll just probably use the forums for my own stuff. Probably turn it into something different. Thanks to those who joined. Appreciate it!
  14. Yes, you heard me right. We have actual SS14 badges that'll change each time you reach a certain amount of points. Keep posting, replying, reacting, or messaging others to increase your points! It goes up to 40 badges (As of January 17th, 2024) and in time I'll add more. If anyone ever reaches the max rank, I'll be impressed.
  15. Asked to redo and take it more seriously.
  16. As a Forums Moderator, you'll help out with resolving problems in forums as a whole. (duh.) I put my full faith in you that will NOT abuse these powers. If it ever comes to it, you will be demoted back to a member and banned from applying again. The requirements to become a Forums Moderator are: Be active in the Nevado 14 Servers and Discord. No recent warnings on your forum account. Have a good upstanding in the community. Currently not banned from both Nevado 14 or the Discord. If all of these are met, go ahead and apply using the template below! It may take awhile for us to get back on your application, so be patient. Instead of this being exactly like the Admin template, we'll ask you fewer questions in a different format. Use the template below this! First, how old are you? How long have you been playing Space Station 14 (If possible include Space Station 13) How long have you been playing on the Goob Station server? Are there any bans from any Space Station 13/14 Servers in the past? Why do you want to become a Forums Moderator? Anything else we should know about?
  17. You can now put your own custom titles on your profile that'll appear on topics too! Simpy go to "Account Settings" (You can press on your username on the top right to find the option" then "Edit Profile" You can find the title option below the about me. Go crazy with it but don't make it super big or not appropriate.
  18. Getting tired now, might head off to bed for now... Made a lot of progress on the forums though!

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