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Everything posted by Fortnite

  1. There are different reasons a ban could occur, like gaining too many bad notes, breaking a zero-tolerance rule, breaking the Goob Station server rules, or other reasons. There are two (Three) types of bans. Game Bans - You've been banned from the server entirely. Role/Job Bans - You've been banned from either a certain job or that entire department. (Unrelated really to this topic.) Discord Server Ban - You've managed to mess up enough to get banned off a Discord server. Really? -------------------------------- What more on Server bans? There are five different bans ranging from the "not-so-bad" one to the "You've messed up" one. Timed Bans - You've been banned for a set amount of time. Usually, it is shown in the ban reason. Appeal Only - These bans do not end until appealed. Basically a permanent ban except you can still get rid of it. Soft Voucher Bans - Soft Voucher Bans mean you have to get a "This guy is cool" pass from a Space Station 13 or Space Station 14 server. You'll have to appeal 2 months from then and come back with a voucher from that server. Hard Voucher Bans - A Hard Voucher Ban is the same thing as a Soft Voucher Ban, except you are required to wait 6 months to appeal back. Even with the voucher, you might not be let back in still easily. Permanent Bans - These bans cannot be appealed ever or for any unvalid reason. -------------------------------- More on Voucher Bans Voucher bans will only be accepted if the person giving the voucher is not also banned from Goob Station. Evading the voucher ban will only lead you into a worse position and possibly set you in a Permanent Ban. -------------------------------- What you shouldn't do in any ban appeal. Don't be a dick to anyone in your appeal. Stay calm and respond in a civil manner. Avoid peanut posting or putting anything irrelevant in the appeal. Do not skip using the template. Use it, please. -------------------------------- Neat, you're at the template now! Good luck on your appeal. -------------------------------- Space Station 14 Username: Banning Admin's SS14 Username: Are you banned from the Server or a Job/Department: The reason you were banned: Everything that lead to your ban, give a detailed explanation. Relevant info only and don't leave anything important out: Why you should be unbanned:
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