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Everything posted by Fortnite

  1. Not sure, but it might be dangerous.
  2. Not sure, but I remember attempting to break a window in maints I believe is the earliest. That’s just note wise though.
  3. you you are compared to a decent wizden mf be happy 🔥🔥
  4. Did this and it lead to CMO stabbing then hiding my body in their office.
  5. This was put up to a vote sometime ago, and it's to deny your appeal. Your rolebans end in a week anyway and you don't mind the security bans you said.
  6. Your bans expire today. Sorry that I never exactly got to this. (Nevermind, it's just your gameban.)
  7. The next ban also probably going to be a more harder appeal only ban.
  8. For the sake of it, alright, I'll unban you. But please actually read the rules, and if you have problems, ahelp it. Ban lifted.
  9. Okay, so at least you didn't metacomm and muted yourself. Glad you also had no intentions to break rules and mess around too. Now probably don't go planning to join each other in game as it's going to yes, cause us to assume raiders, or metacommers. It's hard to tell as we can't watch everything and it causes things to lead here. Consider your ban accepted and should be pardoned now.
  10. This feels unreal as hell. Why would you not read the rules that were brought up upon joining the server? Even if you didn’t know what to do, there’s even ahelping, but yikes.
  11. No. It’s cool either way. Anyway, you joined with many different people at the same time, leading to an Admin to believe it was another raid. Seeing how you mentioned another player, I assume it was just a bunch of friends? If you are all simply joining at the same time as planned and metacomming, that is not allowed.
  12. Should be fixed, but not fully.
  13. This application is denied. Reapply when your ban isn't in the past 30 days from now.
  14. Currently banned, so I'm denying this unless something else comes up to put it back in pending.
  15. The person you released was a syndicate who has been yelled about multiple times and I'm pretty sure even their name was said. You even saw them yourself as me (One of the Secoffs) and you were there at bridge. You the Warden are held up to higher standards and shouldn't be releasing people because "the release of that guy didn't hurt the fun from anyone in the server" when it allows them to freely get away and kill whoever along with completing their tasks. I believe it was also mentioned that the person had an emag. I'm not sure how you missed all of that, but I assume you weren't paying attention to the radio. Even if you were never warned about using syndicate bags, it does not excuse anything. You should not use syndicate items at all, including bags. Sure, it doesn't sound that much of a problem, but it is what it is.
  16. Your ban appeal has been accepted on the conditions that. Your ban time is lowered to a month. You receive a 2 month engineering and security ban It is very important that you DO NOT receive another appeal only ban or two other timed bans. You should also read the rules and ahelp if you run into a problem.
  17. Your application will remain open until I reopen and start accepting or denying again.
  18. correct or indef until you turn it on also a command (deadmin/readmin)
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