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Everything posted by Fortnite

  1. This isn't really for rule clarifications and rather the admin message section, but I'll say that notes can be considered expired after six months pass from when the note was placed. They can still be appealed if wrong, but will be held against you in the future if it comes to it.
  2. Questions and clarifications about rules more specific than can reasonably be included in the detailed version of the rules themselves. This is exclusively for clarifications to rules on Goob Station servers, but we also use the extended version of Wizard Den's rules. The detailed version of Wizard’s Den server rules can be found here. You can ask questions about rules in the Questions subsection. While clarifications may be cited in ahelps and ban appeals, and the admin team will do their best to detail any limitations, there may be cases where they don’t apply. No rule clarification prohibits an individual admin, or the admin team, from deviating from it in a specific case, however clarifications here are likely to be strongly considered when determining if any OOC actions will be taken. A lack of a clarification here should never be interpreted to have any meaning. If a clarification does not exist, you should not blindly assume that it is permitted by the rules nor should you blindly assume that it is forbidden by them. For example, a lack of a clarification about a potential bug, does not mean that it will not be treated as a bug if exploited.
  3. You can still appeal the note if you feel it was wrong.
  4. At least explain why instead of fucking peanut posting.
  5. Appeal denied. Feel free to make another appeal.
  6. Unbanned. You would've served a 12hr ban, but I did not get on that 12 hours ago. Sorry.
  7. On the bright side, you’re alive and wasn’t in the car. Same for your Dad. The damage looks medium size ish so who knows on that.
  8. Unbanned. The admin had assumed you were another raider due to them being common in the server for some reason.
  9. Your appeal is denied, and you can reapply 2 weeks from now. Any appeals earlier will be denied.
  10. No, but by the time we probably get to your ban, it'll be finished. Sorry if so.
  11. That's the rules though, you cannot mass-sabotage the station before 30 minutes EVEN if it's only a minute or two before. No exceptions or leeway unless the admin says so. Technically you do have a "warning" or note on this. You can't really resolve singuloosing when you've taken some of the station. Also, policy doesn't allow for another warning due to the mentioned note above. If this for example did expire though, would've allowed for a warn if it's within policy. greymaria doesn't have a grudge against you. Sorry that you feel that way, but I doubt that's true.
  12. They are allowed, but when you're using them to stab people without an actual reason or just power gaming them, that's not good.
  13. Do not peanut post unless you giving more into what happened.
  14. Denied. You know why.
  15. Your appeal has been accepted and replaced with a one week ban.
  16. Admin consensus is to deny and turn your ban into a soft voucher ban meaning that 2 months from now, you cannot appeal at all nor will any appeals after the time be accepted without a voucher. A voucher for good behavior should be obtained from a well-known or decently active SS13/SS14 server. If it is a mainstream server, we recommend using that server's admin help to ask for a voucher from one of the administrators explaining that you are trying to appeal a ban on Goob Station and want to show you have been a problem-free player during your playtime on the server. A voucher should be indicative of at least a few months of play. If the voucher is not from a mainstream server, let us know and we will figure out a way to verify it.
  17. By the time we probably get to this, it'll be expired. There is a chance that we've missed you cracking windows as a non-antag (Why would you do that or even be doing that in the first place??) but just cause we've never said anything does not mean that it was fine at all. The trialmin was hostile sounding, but I don't think they were trying to be like that. If you have problems or anything, make a complaint. Overall, this is denied.
  18. Appeal accepted, gamer.
  19. Seems your ban expired now anyway.
  20. Never mind, you took them saying they they were giving you a note on incompetency (literally in the ban policy, so I don’t think they were TRYING to exactly insult you, but rather say the violation) If im actually missing anything, feel free to correct. I could be wrong or anything soo, shoot your shit.
  21. Huh? You legit were not provoked. You infact ended it all by telling the guy to “get a life”. I see nowhere about an insult unless you mean “incompetencey”. If you so much as wanna call the dude an asshole too, you’ve gotta be messing with me. Let’s also talk about on how it was a note at first it seems, and not a full on ban at first… Either they meant it was gonna be a note at first, or note and ban… I see Cody really being the calm one here, and not telling you to “fuck off” or anything. Just because the server is known for admeme events (though i never thought that at all), does not mean assume gaming right there. Ahelp and ask.
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