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Everything posted by Fortnite

  1. You are out for my head. You can’t accept a ban that was fairly placed. You can’t stop being a whiny bum. How do you manage to get two mfs to dislike you so badly that it gets you noted in Goob. What is your problem? You are going batshit insane with your posts that are mostly on me. I’m not the HEAD ADMIN of Goob Station, simply the Owner. If you so much as have a complaint, make it in the complaints session. If you can’t be actually civil about all this, feel free to simply leave. I actually thought you were cool, but nah. You just overall are a dick if I’m being honest.
  2. You are peanut posting, ignoring the clearly stated rules. Another thing is that if you roleplay, you don’t get banned. It’s just that you decided it was okay to say “retard” eight entire times because your brain somehow went doo doo fart. Not to mention how you yes, killed 3 mfs.
  3. Btw was a new player and by policy first offense minimum is a warn. https://docs.spacestation14.com/en/community/admin/wizards-den-banning-policy.html
  4. Accepted. While you were being a shitter on it, I was acting like a dick myself, apologies.
  5. this isnt anything contributing to the app don't be a peanut poster
  6. You see the title correctly! You can now get clarification on things that aren't on the rules. Isn't that cool? Also, you can find it here.
  7. joking, wait for a response
  8. idiotic never appeal again DENIED
  9. yip yap as always this guy is absolutely stupid and needs to checked on, never come back on forums please actually nor the server, you suck ass.
  10. literally a clown laugh at this guy!! If anyone has anything to actually contribute to this appeal with, use admin message.
  11. First off, have them literally watch some videos on SS14 as that would’ve been actually better than metacomming. Another thing. Just because you are teaching new players does not mean go into the game with them in the SAME VC. Stream the game or like I said, videos. I’m not sure on whether unbanning your friends too with this appeal is even alright, so I’ll come back on that.
  12. So despite this rule clearly being here with "(YOU WILL GET PERMABANNED)", you proceeded to use the N-Word, and then after getting banned come up with an unban reason that doesn't even show much of why we should unban you. Not to mention you legit put "Da hood" in the fucking reason. Just cause where you live it's common and constant and no one was hurt by it nor was it directed at anyone, it does not mean the word is free game. We have rules for a reason that you are supposed to follow. If you can't do that, feel free to find another server that allows it.
  13. that doesnt even matter...? You responded with "they were asking for it" once you were messaged with a ban if you didn't respond.
  14. WOW, not to mention this! Nevermind, this shit is denied.
  15. I'm legit gonna say this, but you probably aren't even gonna get unbanned with this appeal at all with the 1st quote, and then "Your admins need reigning in Kira. SEROUSLY." no one said fun isn't even allowed, your definition of fun is confusing to me. you broke a dude out knowing that's self-antagging. I'm not even sure if you bothered to use the ahelp at all to let us know of those "soft ego" secoffs... Our bans always have something to do with self-antagging because some of you don't understand how to follow the rules. I mean, your literal reasoning for breaking the guy out is "us tiders got to stick together" which is horrible. We do allow fun if it isn't being a dick and breaking the rules. Rulebreak, also: Just cause the guy wasn't a syndicate, does not justify it even the slightest. Also for some reason I don't see the second offense, so this should probably be lowered anyway. While my shitty message on this might suck ass with explaining and whatnot, this feels unreal as hell.
  16. Because of escalation rules? Dunno about the hos part.
  17. Your application has been denied. Feel free to reapply at a later date.
  18. Your application has been denied. Feel free to reapply at a later date.
  19. Your application has been denied. Feel free to reapply at a later date.
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